“Here you will find the list of my professional works and projects I have completed for my clients. These works are non-exhaustive and there are works that were not included here as compiling will take longer time. These professional experiences were the upmarket projects and some works that are not listed here are of the voluntary charitable offerings. Over the years, meeting new people from various social backgrounds and the exchanges of energies through learning enriched my experiences which shaped my pedagogical skills today and also to make learning as my continuous endeavours in this field of performing arts and life-long music learning.”

Professional Experiences


Artistic Director & Fellow 
St Cecilia School of Music Examinations International 

Artistic Director
Sabah All-State Vocal Festival
Organized by Oongisvoce Resource Management, 
Co-organized by The OV Singers Club Sabah,
Supported by Kementerian Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya Malaysia 

Main Presenter
“Thriving with Your Voice” Workshop, Oongisvoce Academy of Music


Artistic Director & Fellow 
The Oongisvoce Music Mansion 7th Award Ceremony,
SCSM International Music Certification Award

OVERNITE SESSION: The OV Singers video clip “Love Someone”

Main Presenter
“Sight Reading Like a Pro” Workshop, Oongisvoce Music Mansion

“Voice and Breath Control Skills”
Resource Centre, Faculty of Psychology & Education, University Malaysia Sabah

Head Organizer
St. Cecilia School of Music International Examination,
Oongisvoce Music Mansion, Penampang.

The OV Singers at District of Kota Marudu Kaamatan 2019
Dewan Komuniti Kota Marudu

Voice Teacher
HB, Singaporean-Malaysian Singer & Actor;
Helen Jimulis, CPA Silver Higher Distinction;
Natalie Herman, SCSM Grade 2 Higher Distinction;
Sunday Grace Justimus, SCSM Grade 5 Higher Distinction;
The OV Singers (Choir), SCSM Grade 5 Higher Distinction.


Artistic Director & Co-chairperson
“The OV Singers & Friends Choral Concert”
Wisma Kinsabina, Penampang.

Head Organizer
St. Cecilia School of Music International Examination.
Oongisvoce Music Mansion, Penampang.

The OV Singers & iGenVE SMK DPM
North Borneo Christmas Festival,
ITCC Mall, Penampang.

Singing Competition Coordinator & Emcee
North Borneo Christmas Festival,
ITCC Mall, Penampang

Voice Teacher
Alyssa Alfred, SCSM Grade 4 Higher Distinction;
iGenVE Choir, SCSM Grade 4 Distinction;
Delwyn N. Almodiel, SCSM Grade 1 Distinction;
Alessa Asin, SCSM Grade 2 Higher Distinction;
Fanila Davis Daivil, SCSM Grade 2 Higher Distinction;
Susan Undih, SCSM Grade 2 Higher Distinction;
Estherlinda P. Albert, SCSM Grade 5 Higher Distinction;
The OV Singers & EVOG (Choir), SCSM Intermediate Recital Cert. Distinction.


Artistic Director
“Majlis Jamuan Teh Hari Jadi Rasmi TYT Yang Di-Pertua Negeri Sabah” organized by Jabatan Perkhidmatan Kebajikan Am:

Eiffel Paul Pailus 
Shawnia Welona Jerry
The OV Singers/EVOG Choir
Nur Effa Izan Binti Kedri


Michelle Michael
Melvin Ebin
Daphne “Wawa” Albert
Dave Ernest Domanic
The Essential Vocal Group (EVOG)
EVOG and Friends (OV Learners)
Vanessa Herman Kubot
Donna Lee
Haward Elish Anggin

Voice Teacher
The OV Singers Choir, SCSM Grade 6 Higher Distinction;
The EVOG, SCSM Grade 4 Higher Distinction;
The iGen-VE Choir, SCSM Grade 3 Higher Distinction;
Melvin Ebin, SCSM Grade 4 & 5 Higher Distinction;
Linda Lazarus, SCSM Grade 8 Higher Distinction;
Michelle Michael, SCSM Grade 5 & 6 Higher Distinction;
Alyssa Alfred, SCSM Grade 3 Higher Distinction.


Artistic Director
“The OV Singers Choral Concert”
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College, Sabah

Voice Teacher
Australian GUILD of Music Examination (AGME) students:
Elton Johnny Kadau, AGME Professional Diploma Distinction;
Linda Lazarus, AGME Level 6 Singing Distinction;
Jenny Gaising, AGME Level 4 Singing Honours;
Evy Gloria Domanic, AGME Level 4 Singing Distinction;
Estherlinda Albert, AGME Level 3 Singing Honours;
Melvin Ebin, AGME Level 3 Singing Honours.
The OV Singers, AGME Level 6 Distinction


Artistic Director 
“The 1st Sabah Choir Festival“
Co-organized by the Kelab Sukan & Rekreasi Kesihatan Penampang, Australian GUILD of Music Education, Oongisvoce Music Mansion, Sabah Thalassaemia Society, Lembaga Kebudayaan Negeri Sabah, Event House KK, Sabah Institute of Arts, & Eastern College.

Officiated by YB Datuk Hjh. Jainab DSP Hj. Ahmad Ayid, Sabah Minister of Community Development & Consumer Affairs, through her Deputy Minister, YB Datuk Anita Baranting.
Dewan Pusat Kebudayaan Penampang, Sabah, Malaysia.

Workshop Presenter
“Glee Choral Workshop”
The 1st Sabah Choir Festival,
Dewan Pusat Kebudayaan Penampang, Sabah, Malaysia.

Choral Director
Choir of Penampang District Health Office & MESRA Hospital of Bukit Padang,
AGME Level 3 Ensemble Distinction

The OV Singers, AGME Level 5 Ensemble Distinction

Voice Teacher
Elton Johnny Kadau, Grade 8 Singing Distinction (Trinity Rock & Pop London);
Linda Lazarus, AGME Level 3 Singing credit;
Volonila Usus, AGME Level 3 Singing credit;.
Linda Lazarus, AGME Level 5 Singing Honours;
Eve Gloria Domanic, AGME Level 2 Singing Honours.


Voice Teacher
Elton Johnny Kadau, Grade 5 Singing Credit (Trinity Rock & Pop London)


Suara Bayu Choir
Performance “Family Day Song Competition” organised by The Malaysian Ministry of Community Development and Consumer Affairs

Suara Bayu Choir
RTM Radio Recording
Kaamatan (Harvest Festival)

Suara Bayu Choir
Penampang District Kaamatan (Harvest Festival)

Suara Bayu Choir
Upko State Level Kaamatan (Harvest Festival), Dewan Masyarakat Menggatal

Voice Teacher
The Teacher’s Choir, SMK Datuk Peter Mojuntin, Penampang

Pejabat Kesihatan Penampang Choir, National Day Celebration “Hari Malaysia”
Padang Merdeka Kota Kinabalu

Pejabat Kesihatan Penampang Choir,
The Birth Anniversary of His Excellency, The Governors of Sabah
Dewan Undangan Negeri Sabah


Suara Bayu Choir
Malaysia Christmas Open House
Padang Merdeka Kota Kinabalu 

Suara Bayu Choir
Christmas Open House Penampang District

Guest Artist
KE Next Top Entertainer Season 2
KDCA, Penampang


Guest Artist
Sutera Harbour 7k Sunset Charity Run
Sutera Harbour, Kota Kinabalu

Curriculum Choir Course
60 contact hours for “Festival Ko-kurikulum”
Pusat Kokurikulum dan Pemajuan Pelajar,
University Malaysia Sabah 


Choral Singer
Suara Bayu Choir
RTM for Kaamatan Festival, Kundasang, Ranau 

Suara Bayu Choir
National Unity Day (Hari Perpaduan Negara), PutraJaya, Kuala Lumpur

Curriculum Choir Course
60 contact hours for “Festival Ko-kurikulum”
Pusat Kokurikulum dan Pemajuan Pelajar,
University Malaysia Sabah 


Curriculum Choir Course (PLUMS)
56 contact hours for Voice Intensive and Assessments
Pusat Kokurikulum dan Pemajuan Pelajar,
University Malaysia Sabah 


Suara Bayu Choir
RTM TV production for National Day, Wisma Kewangan, Kota Kinabalu


Choral Instructor 
SMK (High School) Sanzac Choir
KK High School
Bahai Youth Choral Penampang

Choral Instructor & Conductor
Hakka Association Veterans Choir, Gaya Street Kota Kinabalu


Choral Instructor & Conductor 
Hakka Association Veterans Choir, Gaya Street Kota Kinabalu;
SK (Primary School) Kepayan;
SM (High School) Maktab Sabah;
SK (Primary School) Sembulan, Teacher’s choir


Choral Conductor
SM Maktab Sabah, State Level Malaysia Consumer’s Day

What My students Say About Me

If I were to write about all the reasons that I am grateful for you on little pieces of paper, they would fill up an entire room. I feel very lucky to know an amazing teacher and to be able to experience life and music alongside with you. Your dedication, understanding, and time spent all mean so much to me. Since I take your first class in 2012 at our Health District Office, I then further learned singing professionally from you on how to lead my workplace choir from zero to hero and even take part in international singing exams from Grade 1 to Grade 8, as well as being a participant for national and international choral competitions. I am so proud of my achievements and happy to continue this journey with you as my mentor, newfound family, and a friend. Thank you for everything.
St Cecilia School of Music Australia Grade 8 Singing
Linda Lazarus
Mother of two and Student (SCSM Grade 8 Singing)